Press Release: VIBE Arts Introduces a 4-Day Work Week

Starting May 1st, VIBE will be providing its employees a 4-day work week. Staff will be working a 32-hour week, taken Monday-Thursday, while getting paid for a 40-hour work week. 

Why are we doing this?

4-day work weeks have been successful in summer months at VIBE for the past 2 years, with summer 2022 being one the busiest programming seasons we’ve ever had. 

Supporting people who find themselves in low-income situations is part of our mandate. As an organization we should ensure that we are not perpetuating the low wage cycle for our staff while advocating for higher artist payments in our community. Frustrated with the reality that funders do not support salaries in a meaningful way in their funding programs, our Executive Director proposed this arrangement to the Board of Directors in December 2022. In March 2023 a unanimous vote by the Board set this initiative in motion. 

Rest is radical. Prioritizing rest in our workplaces looks like manageable workloads, supporting flexible work and valuing people outside of their labour (Rest Is a Social Currency: Who’s Banking It). We recognize the need for rest and work-life balance as the majority of our team works two jobs to make ends meet in Toronto, given the limitations of their wage at VIBE.

Numerous studies have shown the need for and benefits of a 4-day work week for employees and employers:

So, what does this mean? 

VIBE is committed to providing a flexible working environment that supports our staff, while acknowledging the very real effects of inflation and not-for-profit work. By prioritizing employee wellbeing, staff can emerge better equipped with the tools to continue to support the communities we work with.

We look forward to continue providing high-quality arts programming and creative mentorship to thousands of people each year. Stay tuned for updates on our successes with a 4-day work week in the coming months!

Questions? Please email Emma at