150reasons.ca has been flooding with reasons of why people love Canada. In celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, VIBE Arts thought to celebrate Canada’s big 1-5-0 by finding out what Canadians most love about this great nation. We are going to take all these reasons we collect on the website and inspire Canada’s children and youth for when they create 60 original hand-painted murals towering at 6 feet by 4 feet created from coast to coast and the theme: 150 Reasons Why We Love Canada. Pearson Airport, Union station, the TTC and numerous shopping centres have committed to the project, there the 150 Reason’s murals will be on exhibit.
Below are some reasons shared by Canadians found on the 150reasons.ca website.
The 150 REASONS project is going to be a labour of love https://theleafsnation.com/account/ among Canadians that will incite provocative dialogue, storytelling about our country in the families, classrooms, and communities of the young artists involved in the project. Connecting through social networks, VIBE Arts will capture the hearts of Canadians what they most love about Canada from the “Smell of grass in the spring”; “Two official languages’’ ; ‘First snowball of the year”; “Gun control”; “PEI potatoes”; “Our coastlines”; “Our diversity; and many more aspects that enrich our lives every day.
Canada’s 150th birthday creates a unique opportunity to engage newcomer and marginalized youth in reflection, dialogue, and artistic expression about the aspects of Canada that they find welcoming, engaging and supportive of their lives and future plans.