This is VIBE Spotlight: a weekly series that celebrates and shines a light on VIBE Arts’ roster of talented artists. Each Monday, our Instagram and website feature a different VIBE Artist and provide a look into their craft. Stay tuned and get to know the diverse talent that makes up our organization and community with #VIBESpotlight.
On this VIBE Spotlight, we’re shining a light on Glowz, a writer and member of the VIBE Artist Roster.

VIBE: Is there anything you are currently working on that you would like to share?
GLOWZ: I am currently working on a mini-book series based on my last book, ‘Hood Chronicles’. My debut poetry book, A Kintsugi Memoir is now on sale for $20.
VIBE: What has been one of your greatest accomplishments to date?
GLOWZ: Being able to have some of my books available in schools around the GTA, and in Whapmagoostui, Quebec.
VIBE: What has been one of your favourite moments while being on the VIBE roster?
GLOWZ: Celebrating Black History in a program with the Oshawa Boys and Girls club. It was beautiful to see how engaged participants were.
VIBE: What are some of your future goals?
GLOWZ: Having two or three of my stories adapted into a theatrical play or short film.
VIBE: What is one of the greatest lessons you have learned thus far?
GLOWZ: That our art journey is sacred – even if outside voices want to distract and discourage us, keep pushing forward. It’ll be worth it.
VIBE: What changes would you like to see in Toronto’s Art community?
GLOWZ: Definitely more support for one another, and more opportunities for those ages 29 and up.
Support Glowz: @g.l._glowz | @author_glowz
Stay tuned for more VIBE Artists on VIBE Spotlight